Welcome to Shawshank the Cubicle!

I am glad you are here; nice to meet you. My name is Charlie Harper; I am the founder and CEO of Whoosh Agency, a father to four boys, and an aspiring cartoonist.

Like you, I am a snowball of experiences rolling down the mountain of life, picking up skills, insights, and everything else as I roll.

This weekly newsletter is where I hope to share valuable insights and entertain you with all I know about growing service-based businesses while being a dad and all the things. If you haven’t subscribed yet, enter your email address in the form below and click Subscribe!

Let’s get some things off our chest.

The Cliff Notes of My Journey

I started my service business as a side hustle way… way… back in 2001, building websites for local service-based businesses in Raleigh, NC. 

My side hustle grew and evolved as the demands of clients shifted with the Internet’s impact on marketing.

Then, something clicked inside me when my first son was born in 2010. 

I had a single point of failure: my job

It was time to pour fuel on my side business fire for my growing family.

My business remained a side hustle until October 9, 2015. That’s the day I left a high-tech job at IBM to leap into entrepreneurship fully.

I have learned a lot growing my family and companies along the way. I hope sharing my journey and obstacle observations can shortcut you closer to where you want to be.

Aspirations On Hold Until Now

I have always had a passion for cartooning.

My favorite strips are The Peanuts, Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, and Non Sequitur.

I have always wanted to be a cartoonist myself and share my hobby with others.

But I let the voice in my head keep me from doing it.

I asked myself, “How could I publicly be a CEO and cartoonist?”

I was worried I wouldn’t be taken seriously by clients or peers.

The reality is nobody cares. I realize that now and intend to share all of myself instead of just putting on a “business face” to hide behind. We’re all snowballs with serious and playful interests to share.

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Mixing 20+ years of business wins (and failures) with comics while sharing actionable insights for entrepreneurs ready to scale to six figures.